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Welcome to the Ohio Bureau of Adult Detention
JMS - Jail Management System

The JMS system will be used for Jail Pre-Inspections, Inspections, and Complaints related to the State of Ohio Jails.
Ohio Revised Code, section 5120.10, authorizes the Director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC), to establish Minimum Standards for Jails in Ohio. The Ohio Revised Code further grants ODRC the responsibility for the investigation and supervision of county and municipal jails, workhouses, minimum security jails and other correctional institutions and agencies. Additionally, the Department is empowered to establish minimum standards for the construction or renovation of jails in Ohio. In order to fulfill these duties, annual inspections are conducted on all classifications of jails in Ohio to ensure compliance with the Minimum Standards for Jails. The ODRC also reviews and gives approval to all new construction and renovation projects to ensure compliance with minimum Standards for Jail Construction/Renovation.